07-20 July FULL - page 418

July 2020
Special Issue on Urban Remote Sensing
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
is seeking submissions for a special issue on Urban Remote
The formulation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) is a major leap towards humankind’s quest for sustain-
ability. In recent decades, global urban areas have been rapidly
expanding, especially in developing countries. The prospect is
that the urbanization rate will reach 60% by 2030. Urban ex-
pansion will inevitably increase vulnerability to natural hazards,
natural vegetation cover decline and arable land loss, urban
heat islands, air pollution, hydrological circle alteration and
biotic homogenization. Since urban ecosystems are strongly
influenced by anthropogenic activities, a considerable amount
of research has been conducted all around the world to under-
stand the spatial patterns, driving forces and the ecological and
social consequences of urbanization. It is not only crucial for
characterizing the ecological consequences of urbanization but
also for developing effective economic, social and environmen-
tal policies in order to mitigate its adverse impacts.
Remote sensing has been widely used for investigating urban
environment and the associated drivers during the urbaniza-
tion process, as it can quickly and frequently monitor large
area surface change with lower cost, compared to filed survey
or in situ measurements. Digital archives of remotely sensed
data provide an excellent opportunity to study historical urban
changes and to relate their spatio-temporal patterns to envi-
ronmental and human factors. With the rapid development
of Earth observation techniques, it has become convenient to
obtain a large number of remotely-sensed imagery over a cer-
tain area at different times, from hundreds of Earth observation
platforms. However, this brings challenges to researchers to
timely process the remote sensing big data as well as to rapidly
transfer the data into information and knowledge.
Considering this, this special issue of
is aimed at re-
porting novel studies on exploiting remote sensing big data
to monitor and improve urban environment, and showing the
potential of remote sensing in developing sustainable cities,
including but not limited to:
Urban remote sensing big data
Remote sensing information interpretation
Urban expansion, dynamics and associated environment
Remote sensing of urban water quality
Remote sensing of urban thermal environment
Remote sensing of urban geological environment
Urban sustainability assessment
Urban sustainable development
Urban Spatiotemporal analysis
Urban Sustainability Indicators
Urban environmental Monitoring
Papers must be original contributions, not previously published
or submitted to other journals. Submissions based on previous
published or submitted conference papers may be considered
provided they are considerably improved and extended. Papers
must follow the instructions for authors at
Important Dates
July 1, 2020 Submission system opening
October 31, 2020 Submission system closing
Planned publication date: Dec. 2020
Submit your manuscript to
by Oct. 31, 2020.
Guest Editors
Zhenfeng Shao,
Wuhan University
, China
Prof. Zhenfeng Shao, Professor at the State Key Laboratory of
Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote
Sensing, Wuhan University, China. His research interests in-
clude urban remote sensing. He is now an associate editor of
Orhan Altan,
Istanbul Technical University
, Turkey
Prof. Orhan ALTAN, Professor at the Department of Geomatics
Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. He is Past
President and Honorary Member of ISPRS, Honorary Member
of Science Academy. He has published more than 200 scientif-
ic papers in scientific journals and conferences, and editor or
co-editor of more than 20 international books. Email: oaltan@
J.L.van Genderen,
University of Twente
, Netherlands
Professor J.L.van Genderen, Prof. at the Department of Earth
Observation Science, Faculty of Geo-information Science and
Earth Observation(ITC),University of Twente, Netherlands, he is
an associate Editor of Geo-Spatial Information Science. His re-
search interests include photogrammetry and remote sensing,
urban remote sensing and computer vision. Email: Genderen@
Call for Sub issions
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