07-20 July FULL - page 416

July 2020
Organization / Teams
To accomplish its mission, the National Geographic Institute
A Land Survey Service
, responsible for:
to design, establish, densify and maintain the national
geodesic canvas, the general state leveling networks and
any other network or canvas such as the astronomical
and gravimetric network;
to draw up technical standards in terms of topography,
geodesy and to ensure their correct use;
to provide services in its field of activity;
to carry out topographic and geodetic work relating to the
materialization of borders and administrative boundaries.
A Cartography and Geographic Information
System (GIS) Service
, responsible for:
to design and carry out basic mapping work throughout
the national territory;
ensuring the control and harmonization of cartographic
to draw up technical standards, in particular
conventional signs and to ensure their application;
to set up and manage the National Geographic
Information System;
to carry out toponymic surveys with a view to
standardizing geographical names;
manage, maintain and develop the map library;
participate in the development and / or validation of
TORs, tender documents for mapping projects,
to participate in the analysis and analysis of the offers
of the public mapping markets.
An Air Surveys and Remote Sensing Service
responsible for:
to regulate all aerial shots
to carry out photo-interpretation and stereo preparation
carry out remote sensing and photo laboratory work as
a service;
develop technical standards in the field of aerial surveys
and remote sensing and ensure their correct use;
draft specifications for projects relating to aerial
ensuring the control and harmonization of aerial
manage and maintain the photo library;
to participate in the preparation of tender documents
and in the analysis and analysis of offers from aerial
photography markets.
An Administrative and Financial Service
responsible for:
to provide the central secretariat of the Institute;
to draw up the annual budget of the Directorate in
relation to the technical services and to carry out all
financial and accounting operations;
to maintain the premises, rolling stock and IT
equipment of the Institute;
prepare and / or supervise the production of the
financial reports of the Institute and present them.
A new territorial waters boundary is written that references
positions on the WGS84 Datum but offers no ties to existing
terrestrial coordinate systems.
• DECREE NO. D/2015/122/PRG/SGG, 19 June
The contents of this column reflect the views of the author, who is
responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein.
The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of
the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and/
or the Louisiana State University Center for GeoInformatics (C
This column was previously published in
ASPRS Announces the 4
Edition of the
Manual of Remote Sensing!
Manual of Remote Sensing, 4th Ed.
(MRS-4) is an “enhanced” electronic publication available online
from ASPRS. This edition expands its scope from previous editions, focusing on new and updated material
since the turn of the 21st Century. Stanley Morain (Editor-in-Chief), and co-editors Michael Renslow and
Amelia Budge have compiled material provided by numerous contributors who are experts in various
aspects of remote sensing technologies, data preservation practices, data access mechanisms, data pro-
cessing and modeling techniques, societal benefits, and legal aspects such as space policies and space law.
These topics are organized into nine chapters. MRS4 is unique from previous editions in that it is a “living”
document that can be updated easily in years to come as new technologies and practices evolve. It also is designed to include
animated illustrations and videos to further enhance the reader’s experience.
MRS-4 is available to ASPRS Members as a member benefit or can be purchased
by non-members. To access MRS-4, visit
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