PE&RS December 2015 - page 925

29,689 pixels (28.2 percent) had a significant trend. Using
the Bonferroni correction, not a single pixel was found to
have a p-value <4.7578 * 10
(0.05 / 105,090). Using the
of less than 5 percent (q <0.05), 9893 (9.4 percent) pixels
had a significant trend, about
of the 29,689 pixels that had
a significant trend with p <0.05. Based on chance alone, it
would be expected that around 17 percent (5,254 / 29,689) of
these significant trends would be false positives. Using a false
discovery rate of 5 percent, it is expected that only 494 (<0.5
percent total) pixels are false positive results. The difference
in the interpretation of the results is substantial; the differ-
ence in the area of found to have a significant trend between
and uncorrected p-values is over 1.2 million sq. km
Although the number of significant pixels changed sub-
stantially, the overall spatial patterns did not. The major areas
with substantial differences when
was accounted for were
within a latitudinal band from near Lake Chad east to Darfur,
Sudan, Northern Burkina Faso, and the border of Guinea and
Sierra Leone. Major areas that did become insignificant when
the multiple comparison problem was addressed included
locations in Senegal, Eritrea, and Central African Republic.
It should be noted that a higher or lower false discovery rate
may be used depending on the described tradeoff between the
chance of a false positive result and loss of potential true posi-
tive results. For example, Brown
et al
. (2012) used q <0.10.
Remote sensing does not embrace a single approach to quan-
tifying the relationships between remote sensing data and
observed phenomena. For example, statistical methods and
machine learning are both common. Therefore, the multiple
comparison problem does not affect every remote sensing
analysis. That said, repeated statistical tests do occur in remote
sensing for a wide range of applications. In these situations, the
multiple comparison problem must be addressed to provide
accurate interpretation of the results. The multiple compari-
son problem can greatly affect the interpretation of statistical
significance testing as demonstrated in the two case studies.
The multiple comparison problem is a fairly straightforward
concept with some easily implemented solutions available in a
number of statistical packages. This paper outlined four meth-
ods to account for the multiple comparison problem, but others
exist. Based on the results of this paper,
is suggested as it is
widely accepted across disciplines and relative easy to imple-
ment and interpret. It is strongly encouraged that all remote
sensing scientists and professionals explicitly consider the
impact of the multiple comparison problem in their analysis.
This research was funded in-part by the National Science
Foundation (award number 0927164).The Galapagos National
Park and Charles Darwin Research Station provided support
in the field for data collection. Special thanks to Stephen J.
Walsh, Conghe Song, Aaron Moody, Dean Urban, George P.
Malanson, Josh Gray, Brandon Wagner, Brian Becker, Rachel
Hackett, Russell Steele, and the anonymous reviewers for
their generous feedback on the manuscript.
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