PERS_April2018_Public - page 209

painted and marked with alphabetic letters in Figure 6q. They
are explained as follows:
• Flow a and b: vehicles driving in vertical directions, con-
sists of activities 1, 2, 13, etc.
• Flow c and e: vehicles making a left turn and driving out
of the scene. It can be explained by activities 6, 20, and
16, respectively.
• Flow d: vehicles turning left from the left entrance. It is
explained by the upper part of activity 4.
• Flow f and g: vehicles making a right turn in the middle
of the junction during the vertical flow, shown as activi-
ties 9 and 12.
• Flow h (leftward) and i: vehicles driving leftward and
part of them making a right turn. It is dominated by ac-
tivities 3, 17, and 19.
• Flow h (rightward) and j: vehicles driving rightward and
part of them making a right turn. It mainly consists of
activities 4, 6, 10, 15, and 18.
• Flow k, l and m: pedestrian crossing the road. Activities
15, 17, 18, and 22 show these behaviors.
Junction Dataset 2 and MIT Dataset, 21 and 24 typi-
cal activities are learned respectively. Due to space constraint,
they are not shown and discussed here.
Figure 7a to 7d) are typical traffic states learned by
model and 7e to 7h) are their corresponding average
components of typical activities. Figure 7i is the state transi-
tion graph noted with transition probabilities and directions.
automatically learned 9 traffic states. 4 of
them are selected as typical states which have the highest
Figure 6. (a) to (p) Some dominant activities and their percentages discovered by HDP models; and (q) Manually labeled legal
vehicles driving lanes (red lines) and pedestrians walking lanes (yellow dashed lines).
Figure 7. (a) to (d) are typical traffic states learned by HDP-HMM model and (e) to (h) are their corresponding average
components of typical activities, and (i) is the state transition graph noted with transition probabilities and directions.
April 2018
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