07-20 July FULL - page 407

July 2020
Import window after loading the text or csv file. There are different delimiter
options in the Delimiter drop down menu. Usually selecting the correct Delimiter is
all that is needed to complete the import process.
If you click the Transform Data in the first import window it opens the Transform
Data window. This window has numerous options for formatting such as adding
and removing columns, sorting, and transposing data.
When done, click the Load button in the first import window and then your text/csv
file is now in spreadsheet form and you can save to an Excel file or other format.
And there you have it. Two new workflows for importing CSV or TXT files into Excel.
Chad Lopez
Al Karlin, Ph.D., CMS-L, GISP
are with Dewberry’s Geospatial
and Technology Services group in Tampa, FL. Chad is a Senior Geospatial Analyst
who works primarily with imagery aerotriangulation, orthorectification, and feature
extraction. As a Senior GIS Professional, Al works with all aspects of Lidar, remote
sensing, photogrammetry, and GIS-related projects.
It’s not too late to earn
Professional Development Hours
Miss one of our Geo Week 2020
Live Online Workshops? Not
to worry! You can purchase the
workshops now and watch when
you are ready! Check out the
workshops offered by visiting:
Image Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash.
Rising Star
The Rising Star program is focused on mentorship of tomorrow’s leaders within
ASPRS and the geospatial and remote sensing community. Geospatial companies,
agencies, and ASPRS regions can all benefit by participation in the program through
the advancement and professional development of their employees or associates
through the process of sponsorship.
For more information go to
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