vegetation structure. It is recognized that the presented
technique does not account for factors caused by an increased
flying height such as increase in laser footprint size or attenua-
tion of laser power caused by increased atmospheric thickness
et al
., 2006), as well as acquisition at oblique view-
ing angles (Lovell
et al
., 2005) or with a different instrument.
Physical models such as that presented by Disney
et al
. (2010)
could potentially be used to more accurately model different
acquisition scenarios. However, this would require significant
effort to recreate landscape scale variance in native forest
structure and is therefore beyond the scope of this study.
Land managers are commissioning small-footprint discrete
return airborne laser scanning (
) acquisitions over increas-
ingly large areas which may in turn capture a variety of forest
types. This study examines the sensitivity of pulse density
(sampling frequency) on primary descriptors of vegetation
structure (canopy height, canopy cover, return height coeffi-
cient of variation, and
) across a broad range of forest
types: from sparsely vegetated savannah woodlands to dense
was acquired with the same campaign and
capture specifications and
instrument which facilitated
comparisons between forest types. Point clouds were thinned
to six different densities (0.05 to 4 pl m
) using a novel tech-
nique that systematically selected nine subsets of data from
each original plot dataset, this allowed metrics to be comput-
ed in a robust way as well as assessing the reproducibility of
acquisition. Metrics derived from thinned datasets were
compared to a dataset with a pulse density of 10 pl m
Simulated acquisition with a pulse density of
0.5 pl m
resulted in minimal differences for all metrics across all for-
est types when compared to a dataset with a pulse density of
10 pl m
. Furthermore, intra-plot variance was significantly
lower at higher pulse densities than for less dense simula-
tions. This result suggests there is minimal gain from acquir-
data at a pulse density >0.5 pl m
which could result
in potential cost savings for land management agencies. The
primary reason for erroneous estimation at lower pulse densi-
ties was the poor identification of the ground surface, which
propagated to metric estimation, and heterogeneous (e.g.,
clumped) vegetation being inadequately sampled. The analy-
sis presented here will allow land managers to be confident in
specifying lower pulse densities when planning
for large area vegetation characterization, even over dense,
very sparse, tall, or vertically complex forests.
This research was funded by the Australian Postgraduate
Award, Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Informa-
tion under Project 2.07 and the Commonwealth Scientific
and Industrial Research Organisation (
) Postgraduate
Scholarship. The Airborne Laser Scanning data were obtained
through the University of Queensland server and AusCover
. AusCover is the remote sensing
data products facility of the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research
Network (TERN:
). The authors are
also grateful to Professor Nicholas Chrisman for his insightful
comments and guidance in the preparation of this manuscript.
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