Second, a careful parameterization is needed to ensure bet-
ter image classification accuracy by random forests. At least a
moderate number of trees (several dozen) should be used for
random forests in order to generate stable overall classifica-
tion accuracy. However, large tree numbers (such as hundreds
or thousands) are not recommended here, since they would
not help further improve the classification accuracy after
random forests become stable; instead, the possible benefit
of using more trees could be overshadowed with a higher
computational cost, particularly when very large image da-
tasets are being processed. Although a small feature number
(i.e., square root of the entire feature number) may favor the
classifier’s performance, a relatively large feature number
coupled with a moderate number of trees should be used to
ensure better overall and categorical classification accuracies
by random forests.
Last, the classification accuracy of random forests can
be greatly affected by the level of spectral complexity with
respect to specific land cover classes. Spectrally homogenous
categories tend to be classified with much higher thematic
map accuracies, while heterogeneous classes tend to have
relatively lower accuracies. A more careful parameterization
is needed to empower random forests in classifying some
spectrally complex land cover classes.
Although our study has some major merits, there are
several potential limitations. Like many other comparative
studies, this study is based on a single data set, a moderate
resolution multispectral image from the Landsat
which might limit the extrapolation of the sensitivity analy-
sis, reported here. Further research may need to consider
different types of data with various quality and completeness
and test the sensitivity of random forests in classifying finer
levels of land-cover types in different environmental settings
varying in landscape complexity.
The research was partially supported by the Florida State
University through a Multidiscipline Support Grant and Natu-
ral Science Foundation of China through the grant “A Study
on Environmental Impacts of Urban Landscape Changes and
Optimized Ecological Modeling” (
41230633). Comments
from three anonymous reviewers helped improve the scholar-
ly quality of this paper. The authors also would like to thank
Dr. Russell G. Congalton, Editor-in-Chief of
, for his
critical comments and valuable help.
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