PE&RS August 2018 Full - page 493

not use any high-accuracy control data, the internal accuracy
of 02C_Tianjin was improved from 2,491 pixels to 0.74 pixels
by cross-calibration with ZY3_Tianjin. Note that that the accu-
racies of ZY3_Tianjin and 90 m-
are not sufficiently high
to be regarded as control images in the conventional sense.
However, they could be used with the cross-calibration of
02C_Tianjin to achieve an accuracy similar to that of the con-
ventional calibration with the high-accuracy
Tianjin. This is demonstrated by the comparison of C and D,
verifying the feasibility and validity of the proposed method.
Geometric calibration is a key technology for improving the
positioning accuracy of satellites. Conventional methods rely
on the high-accuracy control data of the calibration field;
thus, they cannot realize rapid and accurate positioning in
emergency cases (e.g., for a battlefield) and cannot achieve
constant calibration easily. To solve these problems, a geomet-
ric cross-calibration method was proposed in this paper; the
method can accurately calibrate the orientation parameters of
a satellite without the use of any high-accuracy control data
of the calibration field. The proposed method realizes geomet-
ric calibration based on the positioning consistency constraint
of the conjugate points and can achieve an accuracy as high
as that of a conventional method. The feasibility and validity
of the proposed method were experimentally verified using
single-satellite multitemporal and multi-satellite data. Based
on this method, further research may focus on the preparation
of a dynamically updated digital benchmark library for cross-
calibration to finally achieve short-period constant calibra-
tion. In addition, by using the proposed method, the geomet-
ric parameters can be accurately calibrated with the images of
Worldview, GeoEye, Pleiades, etc. once a satellite is launched
without the need to scan calibration fields.
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Yonghua, J., Z. Guo, T. Xinming, H. Wenchao, and P. Hongbo, 2013.
Geometric calibration and accuracy assessment of ZiYuan-3
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IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and
Remote Sensing
, 52(7):4161–4172.
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