PE&RS August 2018 Full - page 502

= 0.202. Thus, the performance of
is better than
for tree
species classification. Similar to
, average
for three groups
are 9.25, 8.23, and 9.44, with standard deviation of 2.83, 2.59,
and 4.49 respectively (see Figure 5f). The ratio between-species
to within-species is highest, F(2,113) = 3.42, p = 0.036, and
resulted in the best classification. However, the fusion method
cannot significantly improve the classification for maple, oak,
and other species due to their similar crown shapes.
Lidar data can provide additional power in improving clas-
sification accuracy for tree species with distinct structures but
similar spectral properties(Alonzo
et al
., 2014; Dalponte
et al
2012; Fassnacht
et al
., 2016). In this paper, two structure fea-
tures: crown shape index and coefficient of variation within
tree crowns were extracted from lidar-derived
, integrated
with treetop-based crown spectra for ash tree species identi-
fication, and compared with tree height for accuracy assess-
illustrates the probability distribution of heights for
random points within a crown; it is efficient in computation
and effective in representing a complex crown shape.
refers to a standardized measure of height dispersion within
a crown and represents the ratio of the standard derivation to
the mean, it is suitable for comparing data sets with different
means and different measures. As a result, integrating with
shape index and
respectively, the treetop-based approach-
es significantly increased the accuracies for ash trees identi-
fication, but
performs better than shape index because
measures the degree of height dispersion while shape index
only expresses the trends of height distribution.
Ash tree species classification in deciduous forests is chal-
lenging. The spectral similarity amongst deciduous species
and spectral noise caused by mixed-pixel problem decrease
the accuracy of ash tree species classification. In contrast, the
appropriate structural features (e.g.,
) extracted from
lidar data have the ability to measure the unique crown bio-
physical properties invariable from life stage and mitigate the
spectral problems. Therefore, the fusion of the hyperspectral
imagery and lidar-derived shaped-related features can signifi-
cantly improve the ash tree species classification.
In this research, we applied discrete return lidar to ex-
tracted tree heights, crown radii and crown shape features.
Due to limitation of the conventional lidar data systems, only
surfaces with sufficiently spaced apart can be separated from
the returns. However, full-waveform systems have the ability
to digitize and record the entire backscattered signal of each
pulse, and record detailed geometric and physical properties
of target objects(Lin
et al.
, 2014).Thus the benefits of full-
waveform data, used in single tree detection, structure char-
acteristics estimations, and tree species classification (Duong,
2010; Gupta
et al
., 2010; Heinzel and Koch, 2011), can be
used to improve ash tree identification in the future.
This work was supported by University of Wisconsin Milwau-
kee Graduate School Research Committee Award and the Na-
tional Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41371397).
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