PE&RS June 2018 Full - page 390

supervoxels are, the more details of the scene will be blurred
in the segmentation result. However, one has to find a trade-
off between the accuracy and the efficiency. In fact, this is
also a common problem for the majority of the voxel-based
segmentation methods. In the general case, the sizes of voxels
and supervoxels are identified empirically, largely depending
on the requirement within the accuracy of segments and the
data quality. The selection of voxel sizes should be designed
as an adaptive step in our future work.
The manually-segmented ground truth should be refined
for the evaluation in our following work. Although the
rule for manual segmentation is fixed, namely each seg-
ment should correspond to a semantic object of the building
component, personal preferences of people will affect the
reliability of ground truth when they manually segment the
dataset. In some recent work (Vo
et al.
, 2015), multiple refer-
ence datasets are generated, and each of them is segmented
independently by point cloud processing experts. Then,
automatic segmentation results are compared against at least
two reference datasets individually. Moreover, when using
different manually-segmented reference dataset as ground
truth, evaluation results will also different due to the quality
of the manual segmentation process. To make the evaluation
more convincing, we need uniform criteria considering the
influence caused by the manual generation of the reference
dataset used as ground truth.
The author would like to express gratitude to the anonymous
reviewers and editor whose valuable comments and sugges-
tions have improved the quality of this paper. The authors
would like to thank Dr. Przemyslaw Polewski for his valu-
able help and support to this work. This work was carried
out within the frame of Leonhard Obermeyer Center (
) at
Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM) [
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