PE&RS July 2019 - page 491

Henriksen, M. R., M. R. Manheim, K. N. Burns, P. Seymour, E. J.
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Rosiek, B. A. Archinal and M. S. Robinson. 2016. Extracting
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Klem, S. M., M. R. Henriksen, J. Stopar, A. Boyd and M. S. Robinson. 2014.
Controlled LROC narrow angle camera high resolution mosaics.
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Kokhanov, A. A., I. P. Karachevtseva, A. E. Zubarev, V. Patraty, Z.
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Lee, E. M., L. A. Weller, J. O. Richie, B. L. Redding, J. R. Shinaman,
K. Edmundson, B. A. Archinal, T. M. Hare and R. L. Fergason.
2012. Controlled polar mosaics of the Moon for LMMP by USGS.
Page 2507 in
Proceedings of 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science
, held in The Woodlands, Tex., 19–23 March 2012.
Li, C. L., J. J. Liu, X. Ren, L. L. Mous, Y. L. Zou, H. B. Zhang, C. Lü, J.
Z. Liu, W. Zuo, Y. Su, W. B. Wen, W. Bian, B. C. Zhao, J. F. Yang,
X. D. Zou, M. Wang, C. Xu, D. Q. Kong, X. Q. Wang, F. Wang, L.
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2010. The global image of the Moon obtained by the Chang’ E-1:
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Liu, B., M. Jia, K. Di, J. Oberst, B. Xu and W. Wan. 2017.
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Wagner, R. V., M. S. Robinson and LROC Team. 2016. Design and
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Earth and Planetary Science Letters
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Wu B., H. Zeng and H. Hu. 2018. Illumination invariant feature point
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Planetary and Space Science
Yue, Z., G. G. Michael, K. Di and J. Liu. 2017. Global survey of lunar
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Earth and Planetary Science
Zhang, F., M. H. Zhu and Y. L. Zou. 2016. Late stage Imbrium
volcanism on the Moon: Evidence for two source regions and
implications for the thermal history of Mare Imbrium.
Earth and
Planetary Science Letters
July 2019
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