and shading trees is recalculated for each distance, provid-
ing a reduced bias in the estimation of the number of trees of
The Relaskop-based method for correction of instrument
bias combined with the Poisson attenuation model for correc-
tion of occlusions has proved to substantially reduce bias in
et al.
2008) and
et al.
2008; Lovell
et al.
2011) estimated with single scan
data. Likewise, Yao
et al.
(2011) reported correlations of 0.902 and 0.656 with field data
when estimating
with the Poisson attenuation model
for correction of occlusions without the Relaskop sampling.
However, in our analysis using ForeStereo data this method
yields biased results when compared with
estimates. In
contrast to
, where tree detection is better at the lower part
of the stem, stem sections viewed under an inclination angle
over the crown of more distant trees—seen against the sky—
are most accurately detected in the hemispherical images.
The Relaskop-based method selects trees depending on
whereas the method based on image segmentation considers
the diameter at the height corresponding to the inclination
angle of view, making the latter preferable for the RGB photos
acquired using ForeStereo. However, the Relaskop-based and
Poisson attenuation model methods performance may be
improved through the adjustment of
The results described in this work demonstrate the ef-
fectiveness of ForeStereo as a
technology for field sampling
in operational forest inventories. Cost analyses are beyond
the scope of this study, but the performance capacity shown
by ForeStereo in field surveys for this study—a team of two
people surveyed 16 sampling points located on a systematic
grid of 400
400 m, covering 256 ha per day on average—en-
ables increased sampling and cost optimization of the forest
inventory field stage. Two stage sampling design, combining
technologies and spatially explicit remotely sensed data,
may improve the accuracy of inference estimations in forest
inventories (Brosofske
et al.
2014). Precise and unbiased
estimators for plot level variables are still to be developed.
The approaches tested in this work can be used to deal with
bias, our results pointing to the distance-samp
as covariate and the
method proposed her
approaches with ForeStereo data. Other source
fecting ForeStereo estimates—light conditions,
or species on image segmentation, or the limited accuracy of
distance estimations in the proximity of the base line—are
beyond the scope of this study and should be the subject
of future research. As an alternative, remote sensing and
data may be integrated during data processing: Korpela
(2007) combined photogrammetry and field triangula-
tion for complete mapping of the stand, whereas Liang
et al.
(2016) suggested the use of
for retrieval of individual tree
attributes and airborne remote sensing data to extend the es-
timation of tree attributes to all trees within the stand, which
renders the estimation of stand-level summary statistics
data unnecessary. Whichever approach is chosen,
the next step is to implement these methods in user-friendly
software packages—such as the ForeStereo software presented
in Sánchez-González
et al.
(2016), which has been used for
this study—so that these methods can be made available for
foresters and stakeholders.
The authors wish to thank Roberto Vallejo and the National
Forest Inventory team of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture,
Fisheries, Food and Environment and Mancomunidad Forest-
al Ansó-Fago for their support with field data. This research
has been funded by the National Parks Autonomous Agency
of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and
Environment through the project 979S/2010 of National Parks
and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
through the project AGL2016-76769-C2-1-R.
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