PE&RS November 2019 Full - page 827

Baltsavias, E., Z. Li and H. Eisenbeiss. 2006. DSM generation and
interior orientation determination of IKONOS images using
a testfield in Switzerland.
Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung,
Cao, J., X. Yuan and J. Gong. 2015. In-orbit geometric calibration and
validation of ZY-3 three-line cameras based on
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The Photogrammetric Record
Chen, Y., Z. Xie, Z. Qiu, Q. Zhang and Z. Hu. 2015. Calibration
and validation of ZY-3 optical sensors.
IEEE Transactions on
Geoscience and Remote Sensing
53 (8):4616–4626.
Cheng, Y., S. Jin, M. Wang, Y. Zhu and Z. Dong. 2017. A new image
mosaicking approach for the multiple camera system of the
optical remote sensing satellite GaoFen1.
Remote Sensing Letters
8 (11):1042–1051.
Cheng, Y., M. Wang, S. Jin, L He and Y. Tian. 2018. New on-orbit
geometric interior parameters self-calibration approach based on
three-view stereoscopic images from high-resolution multi-TDI-
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Optics Express
26 (6):7475–7493.
de Lussy, F., D. Greslou, C. Dechoz, V. Amberg, J. M. Delvit, L.
Lebegue, G. Blanchet and S. Fourest. 2012. Pleiades HR in flight
geometrical calibration: Location and mapping of the focal plane.
ISPRS International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote
Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Delvit, J.-M., D. Greslou, V. Amberg, C. Dechoz, F. Delussy, L.
Lebegue, C. Latry, S. Artigues and L. Bernard. 2012. Attitude
assessment using Pleiades-HR capabilities.
Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial
Information Sciences
Di, K., Y. Liu, B. Liu, M. Peng and W. Hu. 2014. A self-calibration
bundle adjustment method for photogrammetric processing of
Chang’e-2 stereo lunar imagery.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience
and Remote Sensing
52 (9):5432–5442.
Faugeras, O. D., Q.-T. Luong and S. J. Maybank. 1992. Camera self-
calibration: Theory and experiments. In
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Fraser, C. S. 1997. Digital camera self-calibration.
ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
52 (4):149–159.
Fraser, C. S. and H. B. Hanley. 2003. Bias compensation in rational
functions for Ikonos satellite imagery.
Engineering and Remote Sensing
69 (1):53–57.
Gonzalez, S., J. Gomez-Lahoz, D. Gonzalez-Aguilera, B. Arias, N.
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Greslou, D. and F. Delussy. 2006. Geometric c
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Grodecki, J. and J. Lutes. 2005. IKONOS geometric calibrations. In
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Gruen, A., S. Kocaman and K. Wolff. 2007. Calibration and validation
of early ALOS/PRISM images.
Journal of the Japan Society of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Habib, A. F., M. Morgan and Y.-R. Lee. 2002. Bundle adjustment with
self-calibration using straight lines.
The Photogrammetric Record
17 (100):635–650.
Hanley, H. B., T. Yamakawa and C. S. Fraser. 2002. Sensor orientation
for high-resolution satellite imagery.
International Archives
of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information
Jiang, Y.-H., G. Zhang, X.-M. Tang, D. Li, W.-C. Huang and H.-B.
Pan. 2014. Geometric calibration and accuracy assessment of
ZiYuan-3 multispectral images.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience
and Remote Sensing
52 (7):4161–4172.
Kocaman, S. and A. Gruen. 2008. Orientation and self-calibration
of ALOS PRISM imagery.
The Photogrammetric Record
Kubik, P. 2012. First inflight results of Pleiades-1A innovative
methods for optical calibration.
Lee, D.-H., D. C. Seo, J. H. Song, M. J. Choi and H. S. Lim. 2008.
Summary of calibration and validation for KOMPSAT-2.
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
and Spatial Information Sciences
37 (B1):53–56.
Lowe, D. G. 2004. Distinctive image features from scale-invariant
International Journal of Computer Vision
60 (2):91–
Malis, E. and R. Cipolla. 2002. Camera self-calibration from unknown
planar structures enforcing the multiview constraints between
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence
24 (9):1268–1272.
Maybank, S. J. and O. D. Faugeras. 1992. A theory of self-calibration
of a moving camera.
International Journal of Computer Vision
Mulawa, D. 2004. On-orbit geometric calibration of the OrbView-3
high resolution imaging satellite.
The International Archives of
the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information
35 (B1):1–6.
Pi, Y.-D., B. Yang, M. Wang, X. Li, Y.-F. Cheng and W.-L. Tang. 2017.
On-orbit geometric calibration using a cross-image pair for the
linear sensor aboard the agile optical satellite.
IEEE Geoscience
and Remote Sensing Letters
Poli, D. and T. Toutin. 2012. Review of developments in geometric
modelling for high resolution satellite pushbroom sensors.
Photogrammetric Record
27 (137):58–73.
Radhadevi, P. V., R. Müller, P. d’Angelo and P. Reinartz. 2011. In-flight
geometric calibration and orientation of ALOS/PRISM imagery
with a generic sensor model.
Photogrammetric Engineering and
Remote Sensing
Radhadevi, P. V. and S. S. Solanki. 2008. In-flight geometric
calibration of different cameras of IRS-P6 using a physical sensor
The Photogrammetric Record
23 (121):69–89.
Tadono, T., M. Shimada, H. Murakami and J. Takaku. 2009.
Calibration of PRISM and AVNIR-2 onboard ALOS “Daichi.”
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Takaku, J. and T. Tadono. 2009. PRISM on-orbit geometric calibration
and DSM performance.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and
Remote Sensing
47 (12):4060–4073.
Wang, M., Y. Cheng, X. Chang, S. Jin and Y. Zhu. 2017. On-orbit
n and geometric quality assessment for the
stationary optical satellite GaoFen4.
mmetry and Remote Sensing
ian, L. He and Y. Wang. 2018. A new on-
orbit geometric self-calibration approach for the high-resolution
geostationary optical satellite GaoFen4.
IEEE Journal of Selected
Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
Wang, M., B. Yang, F. Hu and X. Zang. 2014. On-orbit geometric
calibration model and its applications for high-resolution optical
satellite imagery.
Remote Sensing
6 (5):4391–4408.
Wang, M., Y. Zhu, S. Jin, J. Pan and Q. Zhu. 2016. Correction of ZY-3
image distortion caused by satellite jitter via virtual steady
reimaging using attitude data.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing
Zhang, G., Y. Jiang, D. Li, W. Huang, H. Pan, X. Tang and X. Zhu.
2014. In-orbit geometric calibration and validation of ZY-3 linear
array sensors.
The Photogrammetric Record
29 (145):68–88.
Zhang, Y., M. Zheng, J. Xiong, Y. Lu and X. Xiong. 2014. On-orbit
geometric calibration of ZY-3 three-line array imagery with
multistrip data sets.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and
Remote Sensing
52 (1):224–234.
Zheng, M., Y. Zhang, J. Zhu and X. Xiong. 2015. Self-calibration
adjustment of CBERS-02B long-strip imagery.
IEEE Transactions
on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
53 (7):3847–3854.
November 2019
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